"This book [Wind In The Pass] flows in the documented river of California history. It is true to what is known about the treatment of indigenous people...however, in this telling, Allee ties all the pieces together, offering readers a complete picture...in a fascinating way." - The US Review of Books
Some Frequently Asked Questions:
1. The novels: Are they fiction or are they true ghost stories? Which is it?
As you probably guessed by now, the most commonly asked question I get is: "Are your books fiction or are they true ghost stories?" The answer to that question is "both." I write fiction novels about true ghostly hauntings, sites, and more. The underlying premise to each of the novels I write is a ghost story, although this may not be evident at first read. The telling of the true events that lead up to a particular site becoming haunted is, for me, that which weaves the richest tapestry, providing the reasons behind the haunting itself.
2. Why choose fiction as the method for getting the true story behind a haunting told?
Well, there are a couple of reasons for this. First. non-fiction books about ghosts, haunted sites, etc. abound. They can be found anywhere and everywhere. More often than not, I find them somewhat interesting but just not that compelling of a read. Second, although non-fiction books in this genre often serve to identify a particular house, road, building, or site as "haunted," the details explaining WHY that place is haunted are often missing or sketchy at best - too brief and not enough information to adequately explain the many nuances of the haunting. Third, the utilization of fiction as the story telling method allows the author to "fill in the blanks," further drawing the reader into all the compelling details of the multi-faceted, true life characters who make up the landscape of a genuine ghost story. True hauntings are never simple; they are complex layered stories with multiple characters, each one of them a whirling vortex of emotions, mind, and will.
3. Does that mean the stories are just the creation of my imagination?
Not at all. Although fiction, the novels are closely based on actual events. Painstaking research provides the backdrop for the historical accuracy one finds in the story telling, including real life characters from history that many readers will recognize, based on the setting of the novel and their knowledge of local or regional history. Deliberate name changes occur, whenever the actions of one particular character are especially egregious but other than that, dates, times, locales, and the names of people, places, and events are as true and accurate as one's history book.
4. How can any author possibly know how people who lived and died over 200 years ago actually felt, thought and acted?
Well, now...that is my secret. Suffice it to say that firsthand knowledge of the intimate feelings, thoughts, and actions of real-life characters who died more than 200 years ago comes from...well, let's save the chilling details of those experiences for another time. Check back soon for updates and be sure and click on the seven (7) other links to the upper left for the rest of the pages on this website. Enjoy the books! ---------- David