
David was born in Oroville, California. Despite having lived in Brasil, Hawaii, Idaho, Georgia, and Missouri...he chose to re-locate back to Northern California where he makes his home in the city of Orland (less than an hour's drive from the location where he was born). David has earned multiple academic credentials including formal degrees in Biblical Studies, a Bachelors Degree in International Business, and a Masters Degree in Public Administration. A rich and varied career has included: (a) service as an Ordained Member of the Clergy (functioning as a church Pastor), (b) managing multiple Non-Profit Organizations, including 501(c)3's, (c) serving as the Executive Director for a professional business-member Association, and (d) executive consulting for both the State of California and the private sector. He currently works for a Social Service agency in Glenn County while continuing to write historical novels which provide the explanation and background for haunted sites and other locations where paranormal activity regularly occurs. David is an avid outdoorsman and, when not either working or writing, enjoys fly-fishing and hunting. He is also a fan of World Cup soccer, professional boxing, the symphony orchestra, and enjoys oil painting.